We offer this complimentary service to do two things: provide value to your company and interact with you. This is a way for you to get a sense of who 4C is and how we approach projects.

Health Check Artwork Background

Get Started

Don’t get lost in proposals and “free quotes” that may twist your needs to fit what another agency/firm/individual can do. Get some honest feedback and suggestions for where to start.
You can use your DBA ("Doing Business As") name if that is how you promote your organization.
We need to review your current website as it is often an essential piece to your marketing and branding efforts.
Knowing if you have access to this information is important after the Health Check is complete. Not every firm/agency operates like 4C. We believe these items should be within your control and not kept from you!

Why Consider a 4C Health Check?

Our complimentary Health Check is a great way to begin your journey with 4CDesignWorks. The process typically takes about 2 weeks. We take the time to independently evaluate your digital footprint as an outsider “looking in” – the same way a potential client may evaluate your offerings. Our document will outline a list of observations and offer some suggestions that could be used to improve your overall branding, marketing message, website, Google presence, and social outreach. We take a deep dive into the digital platforms you use to promote your organization. We can also sometimes evaluate your hosting provider and the age of your website. For those companies that may be a bit out of touch with their marketing effort, this is a great place to start. The 4C Health Check looks at these three key areas for every business:

Company Description

How do you explain your company? Usually, after about a 5-year span, perspectives, key positions, employees, and products/services of the organization may have changed. Your messaging, boilerplate information, social presence, and marketing all are given a once-over. If there is something that is inconsistently presented, it could confuse customers, clients, partners, colleagues, and potential employees.

Example: The company description or tag line on the website does not match the About content on the same company’s LinkedIn page.

Brand Presence

Does your company branding reflect who you are at present and set you up for the future? If the answer is “no” when compared to the competition, then this becomes a bigger discussion — but one that is a linchpin to how a website can be updated alongside the presentation of the business as a whole!

Example: Your logo is not easily seen on today’s social sites because it cannot be reconfigured to easily fit into a square orientation.

Web Tools

How well is your website constructed? Is it intuitive? Easy to navigate? Are the forms recording intended data? Can your website be easily viewed on a mobile device? Are you using your CMS? As part of your Health Check, we will review the more technical aspects of your website relative to general architecture structure, functionality, and visual appeal.

Example: Your site can benefit from an integrated footer on each page. You are also lacking a privacy and terms & conditions statement.

Google My Business

You may not be taking advantage of your Google Knowledge card to help publicize your company. Do you know how to get access? Are you aware you can add photos? Respond to reviews?

Example: Your old office location is still listed here. This makes it difficult for new clients to visit you in your office. The office hours may also be incorrect due to the upcoming holiday.

Social Networking

How often do you post on social media? Are you spread too thin and is it time to cut back? Are you linking back to your website? Are you trying to reach new audiences using likes and follows? The Health Check will take a fresh look at your social presence to ensure you are using the right platforms with the right frequency to deliver your message.

Example: Your profile image appears to use an outdated company tagline. There have not been posts to X (AKA “Twitter”) for two years.

Get A Health Check Now

When we complete your Health Check, we take the time to review it in person or in a virtual call. You also receive the related documentation to share internally. History has proven that a 4C Health Check provides a great springboard to future changes, creating a strong foundation for growth.