Fintech Microsite

Having recently undergone a sweeping branding and website overhaul with 4CDesignWorks, the folks at PWCampbell were eyeing an expansion to their services that was a decade in the making. The product was named BrandVisionHD and 4CDesignWorks was looped in to review possibilities of integrating this offering into the PWCampbell website.

BrandVisionHD Microsite Landing Page Mockup Concepts
BrandVisionHD Microsite Landing Page Mockup Concepts
BrandVisionHD illustration "window" option

Who Are You… Really?

While the visuals are an integral part of websites, 4C strives to dig a little deeper and pull the story out of the project. After reviewing several competitors and other fintech software platforms we pitched a differing approach – speak to the audience, rather than “we, we, we” all over the visitor (if that visual made you cringe – it is how we felt during the examination analysis portion).

Our Solution – Segment into Personas & Avatars

Fun personas that align with the intended users and their avatars were created to frame the discussion of who could want/need the product, why they would use it, and information important to them.

With this approach, BrandVisionHD speaks to its users – not at them. This light-hearted approach was extended to copywriting, and headlines that incorporate fun “tongue-in-cheek” humor as a 180 from the cold approach many software platforms tend to take and lean heavily on.

BrandVisionHD Microsite Final Landing Page
BrandVisionHD Microsite Secondary Pages & Support Badge Graphic

Main Website Promotion

Promotion of the BrandVisionHD product was done via integration of the PWCampbell website through highlighted sections, mega menu CTA (Call To Action) blocks, and a feature area on the home page.

Client & Project Information

About BrandVisionHD

BrandVisionHD is the premier digital signage solution designed and built for Financial Institutions. This Secure, Simple, and Stable digital signage solution was created by PWCampbell to support their clients in the financial industry. Launched in 2023, over 1,500 screens were deployed in under a year and that number continues to grow. The dynamic digital signage revolution is here, courtesy of BrandVisionHD!

To learn more about this product, visit the microsite at:

Project Highlights:

  • Strategic Planning & Marketing Support
  • Microsite Website Design
  • Graphic Design Support
  • Mobile Friendly & Responsive Display
  • WordPress Content Management System Training